Sunday, December 30, 2012

Love Won That Day

Even before the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut, our local schools were getting lots of bomb threats and shooting threats. Eight students from a neighboring school were arrested for the threats they made. Their classes were getting canceled left and right. It had become a game to the kids, and the last one to get arrested was supposed to have been "the winner". I challenge their definition of "winner".

At our campus, we were not getting specific threats, but there were rampant rumors claiming that there was a multiple shooter event planned for December 21. This was all over Facebook, and many students were frightened beyond belief. This was the week of their final exams as well, and they were understandably very anxious.

In the middle of all this nonsense, the mass murder took place. This took an emotional toll on our students and our faculty alike. I was a nervous wreck myself, but what can you do. You have to look like you have it together whether or not you truly do.

The district hired plain clothes policemen to be at all of our campuses. I am so appreciative of the people who worked together to make our last day at school before Christmas break a wonderful day of joy. I felt nothing but peace knowing that others had my back while I taught the students to spread love in the face of hate. Love won that day.

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