Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 10 WTF Moments in my Classroom in 2012

     For New Year's Eve, I have put together a list of things that really made me say, "WTF" this last year. I hope you will shake your head with me as you read.

     10. During some of our get to know you activities the first week of school, I found out that two of the freshman girls already were mothers. And that each of their babies was already a year old.
    9. A student said, “WTF” out loud then everyone’s head whipped around to see if I had heard him. I told them I knew what that meant, and there was nothing wrong with saying it. “Welcome to Facebook, right?” I asked them with a smile.

    8. During our third week of school, one of my students stopped what she was doing in the middle of class, looked around my science lab, and asked me, “Biology, this is a science class right?
    7. In one class where we are particularly bombarded by some freshmen jocks who are still out to prove themselves on a daily basis, I also have a handful of sweet darling girls who want to do the right thing and be successful. I almost never hear from the girls because the boys are always attention seeking and usually rude to boot. While I was talking to the class one day, I was telling the girls to be patient. Gradually the boys would stop all the nonsense. A nice quiet girl who was especially fed up asked me out loud, “What’s the school appropriate word for asshole?” She was horrified at what she said. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing.
     6.  I have the biggest crush on Johnny Depp. When the girls talk about him, they always want to tell me how hot he is. I tell them he is Mr. Holkiss’ age, nearly 50, and they about faint. They just cannot believe that. And I laugh!
    5. There was one student who asked me every day whether or not I had a pencil sharpener. During the fifth week of school, the other students forbid him to ask me that question anymore. He is having no trouble finding it now.
     4.  My Environmental Systems class is made up of seniors. We made posters to hang in the halls about conservation of resources. One kid made a poster that said, “Save water, shower with me.” I found it taken off the wall, folded up, and stuck in my mailbox. I’m not sure who the offended party was. I may never know.

      3. One really ornery freshman boy took a great interest in my guppy tank. There are tons of little fish in there. I had no idea he was stealing one fish a day and doing gross stuff with them in the lunchroom until a little girl told me. After that I did not allow him to play with the fish anymore. A few days later, the student who sits in his chair the class after his opened their shared textbook to find a dead fish waiting there for him. I wrote him up for animal cruelty and property destruction and he requested a schedule change.
    2. First week with freshmen this year, one precocious young man shouted out, “What does ‘choke the chicken’ mean?” How do you keep a straight face. Luckily for me, it is an old phrase, so many of the kids did not know what it meant. I just said it is a euphemism that we don’t use in Mrs. H’s class then got back to business lickety split! An innocent little girl asked, “What’s a euphemism.” Oh boy!

    1. We had just finished learning about the different types of sexual reproduction that take place in the animal kingdom, including my favorite, the slugs, that both have penises and sperm receiving tissue. When the union is successful, the product glows in the dark. I had a boy freshman ask me how can you tell when a human female has an orgasm. I told him to ask his mother, but wanted to tell him that he would never REALLY know for sure! Ha!